Afrah Hassan
Director, Outreach and Recruitment
Houston Community College (TX)

What drew you to the world of college admission counseling?
As my background in college primarily centered around television, radio, and film broadcasting, I hadn’t initially considered higher education as a career path. However, when a position opened at a four-year college, a mentor approached me saying recruitment and admissions would be a good fit for me. Surprisingly, I found myself captivated by the field almost instantly, and from that point on, I never looked back.

What is your favorite part of the job?
My favorite part of the job is supporting students of all ages to discover the pathway that aligns best with their needs. Interacting with individuals from diverse backgrounds daily is immensely rewarding, and I derive great satisfaction from problem-solving and establishing best practices for both the recruitment team and prospective students.

How has NACAC played a role in your career?
I attended my first NACAC conference in 2017 and that marked a pivotal moment in my career. NACAC has played a crucial role in offering steadfast support throughout my journey in admissions, recruitment, and higher education. The organization provides an abundance of resources, hosts valuable events, and has consistently served as a cornerstone for professional development and networking opportunities.

What do you think is the biggest challenge facing our profession today?
The COVID-19 pandemic introduced new challenges, such as navigating remote recruitment efforts, adapting to virtual learning environments, and addressing the mental health and well-being of students during uncertain times. Overall, the college admissions profession must continuously strive to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, while also adapting to the evolving needs and realities of students and institutions to foster a more accessible, inclusive, and responsive higher education landscape.

When you aren’t working, what do you like to do?
I am currently pursuing my doctoral degree. Much of my focus is dedicated to completing milestones, with the goal of making significant progress by May 2025. Beyond my academic commitments, I find joy in spending quality time with my partner, indulging in football — GO TEXANS! — and spending time with my daughter Haley.

If you could be any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Sherlock Holmes. His unparalleled deductive reasoning skills, sharp intellect, and ability to solve complex mysteries make him an iconic figure.


Published April 22, 2024