Puerto Rico SIG

The Puerto Rico Special Interest Group seeks to represent the views and concerns of college admissions professionals responsible for the counseling, guidance, education, recruitment of Puerto Rican students studying in the mainland US and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. The SIG is also responsible for the distribution, discussion and representation of any and all related topics, issues, and trends relevant to Puerto Rican students and college admission counseling professionals who work with this population. This will be achieved through email correspondence, meetings and, workshops.

We hope to increase awareness of the unique issues facing this population and promote a more nuanced approach to their counseling and recruitment.

Puerto Rico SIG Co-Leaders:

Celeste Suris-Rosselli
The Baldwin School

Davin Sweeney
Avenues: The World School

Puerto Rico SIG Engage Community

Join your colleagues on the Puerto Rico SIG Engage Community to network and discuss topics relevant to the SIG.